07 April 2009

Spring Styles

J. Crew and Anthropologie are both trying to convince me that cargo pants are making a come back.

I don't think I'll be getting on that boat. I am, however, definitely getting behind all these candy colored Spring sandals at Piperlime.

12 March 2009

Plug It In The Tulip

I always like a functional appliance way more when its also cute: Fred Flare's Tulip USB Hub.

08 March 2009


My dream dining room -- both rockin' and divine. That wallpaper must have been designed with me in mind.

{via at}

26 February 2009

29 January 2009


Yet another miserable sign of the times. R.I.P. Domino. This is an irreplaceable loss for the design world. What sort of world is a world without Domino?!?


25 January 2009

The Mad Ones, Matted

A few weeks ago I got around to framing the print I bought from Jamie awhile back. I covered the matte with some old shelf paper I had found at a garage sale some years ago. I've been holding onto it waiting for the right project to come along to put it to use. The colors ended up matching perfectly - I couldn't be more pleased with how it turned out!

06 January 2009

Flickr Bits

Some Flickr Faves for New Year's inspiration.

This Is The New Year

save a lot of money. never skip yoga. cook more homemade meals. go on more bike rides. read as much as possible. move on up. spend more time at the beach & laying in parks. travel travel travel. take it all in. let it all be.

these are the things i plan to do with this year. i have a feeling its going to be the best year yet.
